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Top 12 Surrogate Mother Requirements That Parents Should Know.

by Neelam Chhagani

To have a successful surrogacy pregnancy, parents should consider surrogate mother requirements and choose the best candidate for them. 

surrogate mother pregnancy cost

Growing families through the surrogacy process is not for faint-hearted.  Hiring a surrogate mother can be a life-changing journey and there goes a lot of research and planning in it. Thorough research for surrogate mother requirements helps ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved in the surrogacy process

Gestational surrogacy is a huge decision, both for the Intended Parents and surrogate mother. By entering this sort of arrangement, both parties becoming an essential and integral part of each other for creating a miracle, a new life. Nevertheless, for surrogate mothers, it is going to be a more physically exhaustive but emotionally satisfying journey for both.



Top 12 surrogate mother requirements

Below are a few factors to consider while selecting a surrogate mother.

#1. She should have at least one baby of her own, through natural pregnancy. 

It is desirable to have at least a baby of her own.  This she ensuring for commissioning parents if they have experienced the pregnancy and baby delivery. It will also prepare her to be physically and emotionally reassured for the forthcoming surrogacy journey. It is by far one of the most important surrogate mother requirements.

#2. Eventless past pregnancy with documentation. 

It is good if she has good reproductive history and eventless pregnancy in the past.  Although each pregnancy is different but having an uncomplicated pregnancy is an optimistic approach for all. Surrogacy pregnancy is more predictable if a surrogate has already had a baby in the past.

Read more:  Surrogate mother health requirements

#3. Good general health and emotional outlook toward life.

Becoming a surrogate is one of the noblest, loving, and kind acts of selflessness. A gestational surrogate is indeed compensated for her time, effort, and discomfort, but still, it takes a lot of generosity to create a new life.

Optimistic wellbeing, healthy lifestyle, and peaceful surrounding is essential to cope up the difficult pregnancy time.

#4. The surrogate mother age requirements are between 21 to 36 years.

In different countries and different clinics, the standard range varies.  However, in general, the surrogate mother should be in the best childbearing age.

A gestational carrier should be emotionally mature and stable at the same time physically active enough to carry a baby to full term.  There are instances where ladies above 40 have given birth to a healthy child, but with age, chances of complications increase.

#5. No drugs or alcohol.

It is desirable by Intended Parents to have someone who does not use any drugs.   No excessive alcohol consumption is accepted.   Again, a stable and healthy lifestyle makes a lot of difference while choosing a surrogate.

A pregnant surrogate mother#6. Good BMI between 18-32

A surrogate mother is expected to have an ideal body weight Index of 18-32.  A woman who is overweight can develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, which can be risky for her and baby too. So, to have avoided complications during the pregnancy, the fertility clinic chooses gestational surrogate carefully.

#7. She has to be Non-Smoker.

Smoking during pregnancy can be lethal for both surrogate and baby.  Smoking increases the chances of stillbirth and premature delivery. It can cause more severe damage to baby development by reducing the oxygen supply via an umbilical cord.

#8. Have a stable support system at home and work.

Being pregnant takes a lot of toll on the woman.  Most women struggle to manage household work during pregnancy. That is why a surrogate mother should have physical support at home during pregnancy.  Her husband or living partner can be a great support system for her.

#9. Emotionally stable and must agree to psychological testing.

Emotionally stability is one of the most important gestational surrogacy requirements.  Most doctors do a psychological review to ensure surrogate is emotionally capable of fulfilling the commitments.

She needs to be proactive with her doctor appointments, medical check-ups, making sure to adhere to the medical guideline. A healthy relationship need to be maintained between all parties.

A surrogate is required to be mentally sound to understand that she is carrying someone else baby. She needs to take full responsibility for her acts during the pregnancy and make sure baby wellbeing.

#10. No history of criminal activity.

A surrogate mother should have a clear criminal history.

#11. Surrogate and partner must agree to do pre-Screening.

Surrogate and her partner should be free of any infectious disease.  That is why pre-screening of both is needed before starting the surrogacy process.

#12. Not currently on government financial support.

During pregnancy, it can be stressful and demanding if she worries about her financial status.  Stable financial support is desired in any surrogacy process.  Surrogate compensation should be to help her but not to support her.

More topic on surrogacy

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A gestational carrier is an integral and most important part of any surrogacy journey.  Choosing a surrogate can make or break your parenthood dream.  So, choose wisely and ask for help. For LGBT intended parents, find a lady who supports and understands their desire for parenthood.

We are passionate and believe in an ethical approach toward our prospective parents, surrogate mother, and egg donors. IVF Conceptions have been helping intended parents globally since 2010.  We love building families via surrogacy and can do the same for you!

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10 Desirable (but not mandatory) qualities of a surrogate mother?

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How to find a surrogate mother?

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Highly esteemed, authoritative, and trusted professional with a 14-year of experience in international surrogacy. Advocate for Secure, Legal, and Affordable International Surrogacy. Neelam Chhagani, MA (Counselling Psychology), Holistic Infertility and Third-Party Reproduction Consultant. Learn more: https://www.ivfconceptions.com/neelam-chhagani-surrogacy-consultant/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/neelam-chhagani-92892229/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Neelam-Chhagani

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