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Bond With Newborn After Surrogacy: Tips & Techniques

by Neelam Chhagani

Bond with Newborn After Surrogacy: Expert Tips for Lasting Connection

How To Bond With A Newborn After Surrogacy?

To bond with a newborn after surrogacy you need to start putting effort from the beginning of the surrogacy journey and appreciate and support the surrogate mother before and during the pregnancy. The journey into parenthood is an exhilarating mix of excitement and apprehension, especially for those who are anticipating the arrival of their newborn.

This sentiment can be even more profound in the context of surrogacy, raising questions about how to establish an unbreakable bond with the child. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential strategies and insights to foster meaningful connections with your newborn, regardless of whether surrogacy is involved.

The first few days after birth are full of excitement and apprehension.  Newborn babies tend to be mainly resting, drinking, crying, and pooing. When you and your baby get to know each other and bond together in their early days, cuddling and playtime will also be part of your day. But how to bond with a newborn after surrogacy is what we will learn in this article.

All babies are different-their eating and sleeping habits sometimes shift, and settling into a routine can take them some time. You may prefer your everyday activities around the need of the baby. Alternatively, you may want to start creating a really basic routine. Either way, you and your baby will start settling into a routine rhythm of sleeping, eating, and playing.

Age Limit for Surrogate MothersImportance of bonding with a newborn

Bonding refers to the specific bond between a mother and father and their new infant. It’s also what makes parents want to care for and nurse their children naturally. Sometimes, the connection is instant— parents fall in love the moment they set their eyes on their baby. Other times, it takes longer to connect with the infant. A sensation of connection often takes weeks or even months. If you haven’t started bonding with your kid, don’t feel nervous or guilty— the time will come when you will start bonding with the baby.

Bonding is a significant human instinct that gives babies a sense of self-esteem and protection. Bonding also makes parents feel close to the newest member of their family. Mostly, it begins even before the baby is born!

Bonding with the baby when it is in the surrogate’s womb

The best time to bond with your baby is when it is in the womb – be it yours or a surrogate. Mostly the intended parents are under the impression that they will not be able to bond with the baby if they use a surrogate.

But this is not the case. You can bond with the baby while the baby is in the uterus. You may also attend all medical appointments with the surrogate mother. Take images of the ultrasound, or capture the voices.

And if you’re not doing this stuff, that doesn’t mean that you can’t bond with your kid. The first skin-to-skin contact experience is wonderful when you carry an infant. Once the baby is born, he/she will be immediately handed over to the expected parents where the bond starts to form.

One of the great ways to bond with your baby is by using belly buds. Use belly buds to record your messages. You can have favorite songs or even read a baby’s children’s book; daily exposure to your voice will make it a familiar sound once it’s born.

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Surrogate and intended parents’ relationship

There are so many different forms of safe and stable surrogate relationships, and this depends on the needs of both the surrogate and the parents expected. It will take some time to build a relationship with your intended parents but it will eventually feel sincere and real. Throughout the method, the best ties are naturally established.

Many surrogates with their intended parents have been like relatives, while others have not stayed in touch. Often a strong intended parent and surrogate relationship can be established instantly and the intended parents and surrogate are intended to become very close.

It’s recommended that your baby and surrogate mother have a couple of minutes together at some point after birth. In doing so, the baby can confirm his or her senses, particularly smell.  Be sure to speak to your surrogate about what this could look like; speak about what she’s happy with and check in with her after delivery as well.

Countries Where Surrogacy Is LegalWays to bond with your newborn surrogacy baby

There are different ways one can bond with their surrogacy baby: 

#1. Skin-to-skin contact

From the moment they are born, babies react to touch. Holding your baby tight to your bare chest is known as “skin-to-skin” and that is one of the best things you can do with your newborn. Early, regular contact with your warm skin can help regulate your child’s body temperature, levels of stress, and heart rate. For both of you, it activates oxytocin, too.

#2. Provide massage to the infant

According to studies, massage can not only strengthen parent-baby relationships but also alleviate tension in babies and reduce postpartum depression in moms. To learn how to get your baby massaged most efficiently, find a guide online, read a book, or take a lesson.

#3. Make lots of eye contact and close facial contact

Your baby gets clear communication through eye contact with you and close-up looking at your face. From the beginning, the baby will try to mimic your movements and facial expressions. The best way to continue open contact with each other is by sharing plenty of up-close face time.

#4. Talk to your child

Something is more soothing to your baby or relaxing than the sound of your voice. You also invite him to engage in your relationship by conversing with your child. This also helps him sort out all the latest ideas that he gets from the world around him. The baby will love hearing your conversations and listening to you reading and singing–and the baby will love particularly when you say or explain things that you see.

#5. Form small daily routines

Babies enjoy the routines and the repetition. By studying the gestures, motions, and responses of your infant, you begin to become the expert on her preferences and dislikes-how she preferences carrying and what sounds she reacts to. Consider it a part of your everyday routine until you find something that works.

Read more about surrogacy: Bond With a Newborn After Surrogacy

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The transition to parenthood following surrogacy is transformative. Accepting the need for support and guidance during this phase is essential.

In conclusion, the art of bonding with your newborn involves patience, innovation, and unwavering commitment. Surrogacy adds a unique layer to this process, enhancing the tapestry of experiences that culminate in the unparalleled parent-child bond.

Don’t worry if you are unable to bond with your child from the very first contact. It will come eventually and when it will arrive, it will be lovely.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website:    IVF Conceptions. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Bond With a Newborn After Surrogacy

FAQs for Bonding with Newborns after Surrogacy

How can parents bond with a newborn born through surrogacy?

Parents can bond with a newborn born through surrogacy by engaging in various nurturing activities. They can hold the baby, provide skin-to-skin contact, talk, sing, and make eye contact. Participating in caregiving tasks such as feeding, diaper changes, and bathing also fosters a strong bond.

What are some skin-to-skin contact techniques for bonding with a surrogate baby?

Skin-to-skin contact techniques involve placing the baby’s bare chest against the parent’s bare chest. This can be done immediately after birth and during feeding times. It helps regulate the baby’s body temperature, heart rate, and breathing, while also promoting emotional bonding.

Are there specific activities that help create an emotional connection with a newborn after surrogacy?

Yes, activities like gentle rocking, cuddling, and soothing the baby’s cries can create an emotional connection. Engaging in infant massage, making eye contact, and responding to the baby’s cues also contribute to building a strong emotional bond.

Neelam Chhagani, MA (Counselling Psychology), PGD (Mental Health), and Holistic Infertility and Third-Party Reproduction Consultant. Member of European Fertility Society, Best Surrogacy Blogger of 2020, with 200 dedicated blogs and top contributor on Quora for Surrogacy. Highly esteemed, authoritative, and trusted professional with a 13-year experience in international surrogacy. Advocate for Secure, Legal, and Affordable International Surrogacy. Learn more: https://www.ivfconceptions.com/neelam-chhagani-surrogacy-consultant/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/neelam-chhagani-92892229/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Neelam-Chhagani

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